Astropay Güvenli Mi?

The aim of developing and marketing Astropay is primarily to reduce exploits, disordered cases and frauds on online platforms to the least. Therefore, Astropay is designed with greater security measures considering all possibilities in purchasing and using.

It offers you the opportunity to realize your payments without having to share it with third parties. You also set the limit for your payments. How is it happening? It's easy to start secure online shopping with Astropay Kart.

You can use your shopping card to complete your purchase . That's it. You do not have to share are your name, surname, credit card or bank card account information with other sites, which might throw you risk of your money. With Safe Astropay , your internet shopping is much easier and safer than you might think.

Safe Shopping with Astropay Card

Right after you purchase your card, you can start your purchases with your own disposable code quickly and without risk. And your code will lose its validity once you use it. Your transaction is safe with Astropay.